Bussage C of E Primary School

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Geometry Problem Solving Activity Session (With the Puzzleman!)


Recently, we welcomed Mr Ede (The Puzzleman) to our school. Mr. Ede is a retired maths teacher with a passion for shapes who now runs geometry problem solving workshops in schools. He brought his vast collection of handmade puzzles into school and over two days every class had the opportunity to spend a session problem solving. Mr Ede’s enthusiasm for the subject was infectious and all the children showed our learning power of resourceful thinking and resilience to solve the challenging shape-based tasks. The adults had to show great resilience solving the problems too! This was a fantastic enrichment activity that captured the imagination of the children and adults alike and showed us all a different side to maths.

Young Minds Matter


To start the term, Years Three and Four took part in a super workshop run by the Young Minds Matter team. The workshop focussed on the theme of ‘relationships’ and especially how to manage tricky situations, for example, where conflicts may arise.

The pupils were taught some great skills and key phrases to remember, such as ‘STOP, BREATHE, WALK AWAY IF NEEDED.’ They engaged in a number of interactive and fun activities to develop their thinking, understanding and to help them to remember the key messages.

The pupils are now armed with some effective techniques to help them navigate their relationships successfully and happily!

Spring 2025 - Stone Age Rocks

Welcome back and happy new year! Our theme for this term in Year 3 is ‘Stone Age Rocks!’ In this theme we will be learning about the ancient people of the Stone Age and how life changed from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will also be looking at the world beneath our feet and asking a range of questions from the big. How is the earth structured and what are earthquakes and volcanoes? To the small, how is soil and made? Where do fossils come from? We will post regular updates of our work and new discoveries and look forward to sharing them with you.

Year 3 Theme Web - Stone Age Rocks