Bussage C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Welcome

Our school is a special place that prides itself on being a happy school where children and adults are encouraged to have a caring, considerate and respectful attitude towards one another. Sharing special moments together and building a lifetime love for learning, our children learn to challenge themselves and know how to take risks to deepen their understanding. Within a Christian ethos, we recognise the value and uniqueness of every child, helping all to flourish within a safe, secure and nurturing environment. This is done through meaningful opportunities that are relevant to the children’s needs both now and in years to come.

Our strong vision enables our children, staff and community to develop a love of learning, a spirit of enquiry and a determination to succeed. We promote active learning through an engaging and creative thematic curriculum. Our pupils benefit from high quality teaching and learning experiences, a wide range of enrichment opportunities, a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum all within a vibrant Christian learning environment. We place value on enjoyment of reading and the pleasure that can be gained by reading or sharing a book.

We value each and every child as an individual and we support them to achieve their full potential academically, socially, morally and spiritually. We seek to create ‘world-ready’ citizens with superb attitudes and habits that enable them to face challenges calmly, with confidence, perseverance and creativity, both collaboratively or individually. We aspire for our pupils to cultivate resilience, resourcefulness and to be reflective, allowing them to understand ideas more deeply, achieve more and to enjoy their learning. We guide children to discover their passions, explore learning in its fullness and to care for the world and each other.

I hope our website gives you a flavour of what makes Bussage C of E Primary School such a fantastic and unique place to learn and to work. We strive to give the very best start to a child’s learning life so that they will go on to achieve their full potential; to thrive, flourish and live life in all its fullness (John 10:10). 

Enjoy exploring and discovering all we have to offer. We love our school and hope you will too. The website gives you just a glimpse, you are warmly invited to visit us to find out more about our wonderful school.

Mrs Zoe White - Headteacher