Bussage C of E Primary School

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Rainbows - Farmyard Hullabaloo

Making Christmas gingerbread biscuits

Festive baking is the best! Rainbows enjoyed mixing and rubbing together the ingredients to make the gingerbread dough. Next they carefully used the tools to roll out and cut the dough into Christmassy shapes. Finally we enjoyed our biscuits for snack, yummy!

Rainbows enjoying Forest School in December

Fun filled December Forest School sessions, popping corn on the fire, learning to use the mallets, cooking in the mud kitchen, climbing trees and playing together in our super Forest School area. We also showed our value of compassion when thinking about the birds in our school grounds, making bird feeders for the winter for them. 

Ginny visits Rainbows

Rainbows were superstars when meeting Ginny (our school Pets as Therapy Dog). They listened carefully to find out how to behave around Ginny and were so caring and calm when meeting her. Rainbows enjoyed stroking her soft fur and showed what kind hands they have. Well done Rainbows.

The Big Bad Wolf came to blow our houses down!

Rainbows were busy building houses for the Three Little Pigs when along came the Big Bad Wolf! The children's buildings were put to the test to see if they were strong and sturdy enough to keep the wolf out. Rainbows showed their Bella Bee, Sammy Squirrel, Sonia Spider, Oscar Owl and Polly Penguin learning powers by working together, choosing materials, trying new ideas, making improvements and joining in with keeping the Three Little Pigs safe. Fantastic work Rainbows.

Farmyard fun at St Augustines farm

 Rainbows had a fantastic day out at St Augustines Farm, meeting and feeding pigs, goats, chickens, cows, ponies and sheep. We rode in the tractor's trailer to feed the cows in their field and gave some very fluffy guinea pigs cuddles.

Harvest time in Rainbows

Rainbows have been busy harvesting the apples from our fruit trees. One Rainbow suggested we should use them to make apple crumble, so we did! The children learnt how to carefully pick the apples and then use the knives to chop them up before adding the crumble topping. We ate them for snack, yum!


Welcome to Rainbows 2024

Rainbows have started school! All the children are busy getting to know their new classroom environment, joining in with the routines and experiences of the day and making new friends. 

Our theme for this term is 'Farmyard Hullabaloo'. We will be using stories set on the farm to inspire our learning experiences. This week, we started the theme by creating our favourite farm animals.

Rainbows Autumn Theme - 'Farmyard Hullabaloo' 2024

Curriculum Overview 2023 - 2025

Phonics Meeting Powerpoint

phonics powerpoint for parents