Bussage C of E Primary School

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Pupil Premium

At Bussage C of E Primary School we recognise that children face many barriers to their learning. Our vision of 'Learning for life in all its fullness’ means we prioritise the well-being and learning of all pupils, ensuring that barriers are effectively and efficiently removed so that all children make good progress.

The DfE expect all schools to publish a strategy for the school’s use of the pupil premium

We have high expectations for all pupils in our school, and believe that with quality teaching, effective engagement with parents and a personalised approach to meet children’s individual needs, every child can fulfil their individual potential, both academically and socially. 

We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to disadvantaged groups, this includes children who are registered for free school meals (or have been in the past 6 years), looked after/in care or children from military families. Through rigorous tracking of pupil progress and observations of well- being, we allocate provision to ensure our pupils make the best progress they possibly can.

In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils or the other groups, we recognise that not all pupils who receive this grant will be socially disadvantaged. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support our pupils as we see fit and will justify this with progress reports for the children.

Pupil Premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority needs.In order to do this, we deploy a range of strategies to issue challenge at an appropriate level and provide support to overcome barriers.

The range of provision may include:

  • Class teacher small group work
  • Dedicated focused sessions with the class teacher
  • 1:1 or small group work with the class TA
  • Specialised small group work with a TA
  • Booster work with a HLTA
  • 1:1 or small group work with the PP lead
  • 1:1 tutoring with a teacher
  • Subsidised music tuition

 All our work through the Pupil Premium Grant will be aimed at accelerating progress moving children to at least age-related expectations (ARE) and beyond. Initially this will be in English and Maths. This will also include children who are already working at or above age related expectations to maximise their progress.

Other ways the Pupil Premium pupils may be supported include:

  • To employ additional teaching assistant hours to support disadvantaged learners
  • To offer subsidised places at ‘Breakfast Club’ to PPG children to decrease lateness and attendance issues
  • To subsidise PPG children’s participation in residential trips
  • To provide ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support) sessions weekly to support pupils with low self-esteem or those not reaching the potential in their learning
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Counselling sessions

The predictions for the budget are based on interventions that have worked well for the previous academic year and our knowledge of what the children need.

 Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024

Free School Meals

Parents can apply for free school meals online - please follow this link:

Application for Free School Meals