Bussage C of E Primary School

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Spring 2025 - Stone Age Rocks

World Book Day


As part of World Book Day, Class 4 enjoyed a fantastic buddy reading session with Class 2. The older students took great pleasure in sharing their love for reading, guiding their younger friends through a selection of delightful stories. This activity not only made reading fun but also helped build friendships between the classes. Class 4 embraced their role as mentors, encouraging Class 2 to explore new books and engage with the stories. 


Stone Age Experience Day

As part of Children's Mental Health Week, Year 4 pupils participated in a Stone Age Experience Day on the school grounds. The children engaged in a variety of activities that ensured enjoyment and fostered mindfulness and creativity. The natural surroundings provided an ideal backdrop for the day's events, allowing the pupils to unwind and reconnect with nature. This experience highlighted the significant benefits of outdoor learning, reinforcing its positive influence on mental health and wellbeing. 


Class Four have thoroughly enjoyed participating in gymnastics this term, demonstrating progress in their skills and confidence. They have engaged in various activities that allowed them to explore essential gymnastics techniques. Focusing on agility, coordination and mastering jump techniques such as tuck and straddle jumps. Additionally, they have refined their balancing skills on beams and mats. They have embraced challenges and exhibited resilience, reflecting a commitment to improving their performance.

Young Minds Matter


To start the term, Years Three and Four took part in a super workshop run by the Young Minds Matter team. The workshop focussed on the theme of ‘relationships’ and especially how to manage tricky situations, for example, where conflicts may arise.

The pupils were taught some great skills and key phrases to remember, such as ‘STOP, BREATHE, WALK AWAY IF NEEDED.’ They engaged in a number of interactive and fun activities to develop their thinking, understanding and to help them to remember the key messages.

The pupils are now armed with some effective techniques to help them navigate their relationships successfully and happily!

Happy New Year!

This term, as historians, Class 4 will be exploring the significant changes that occurred in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, in our new theme Stone Age Rocks!

Year 4 Spring Term theme web - Stone Age Rocks!